
Chiropractic Experience
to Help You
For more than 25 years, Mission Valley Chiropractic has worked with San Diego physicians to provide patients with comprehensive answers to their musculoskeletal problems. While we offer a range of general, chiropractic treatments, Mission Valley Chiropractic has become a leader in treating auto injuries and employee injuries here in Southern California. We approach all personal injury cases in a fair and balanced way, ensuring that attorneys on both sides of any case can trust our diagnoses and treatments. We also have been a part of the treatment plan for hundreds of workers compensation cases, giving Mission Valley Chiropractic a reputation for being the most reliable, unbiased chiropractor in San Diego.
We understand the administrative complexities that come with judicial procedures and the corresponding medical treatments. We have an experienced staff able to balance the challenges that come with answers questions from defense attorneys, prosecuting attorneys, insurance companies, doctors, employers, and patients.
Auto injury, personal injury, and workers comp cases mean years of treatment plans, billing adjustments, and legal compliance. Mission Valley Chiropractic has the administrative capacity to ensure all cases are handled without fail from start to finish. Serious chiropractic care requires a full-service clinic, with an experienced staff, and the internal mechanism to ensure all patients receive the exact care they need.