Auto & Work Injuries
Dr. Nusbaum has over 30 years experience in the medical-legal arena. He has been deposed on and testified in court numerous occasions. Dr. Nusbaum has been retained as a medical expert on medical malpractice cases. He is well versed in “Colossus” and performs a very thorough history and examination documenting all areas of injury. Cognizant of the scrutiny soft tissue injuries receive in the PI arena, Dr. Nusbaum consults with his patient’s legal counsel on each case. Dr. Nusbaum works closely with medical physicians to make sure all medical treatment options are available to you.
Dr. Nusbaum also has over 25 years experience treating injured workers. He is on most Medical Provider Networks (MPN’s). He is a Qualified Medical Evaluation performing both QME and AME evaluations on injured workers.
Our clinic will accept auto injury cases on a lien basis. When it comes time to settle the case, we understand we are part of your team and that there are limited funds to pay for medical treatment, legal fees, and pain and suffering for the injured party. We also will negotiate our liens on a case by case basis.
We can usually see patients on the same day and are available for treatment Mon-Fri. Our reports are done timely. Please contact our office for a sample narrative report.