
Your nervous system controls and regulates every cell of your body. When your nervous system doesn’t work correctly, you don’t work correctly. And when you don’t work correctly, you’re sick! Simple as that.

Nerve compromise can result from postural distortions that are easily revealed with a few simple tests. Consult Doctors at Mission Valley Chiropractic for all your chiropractic needs. We use the very latest research, joint and soft tissue procedures and exercise rehabilitation to get your body working to the best of its ability!

Dr. Glenn C. Nusbaum is trained in the using the most gentle, and effective chiropractic adjustment techniques. Our methods are focused on getting long-term positive outcomes.

Our approach is pragmatic and straight forward. We expect to see results reasonably quickly and if not make the appropriate changes to our approach or refer where a better outcome can be obtained.

We do not have a standardized treatment protocol and tailor our care to one’s individual needs. We use all aspects of allied health care to ensure you get the best treatment for your movement problem.

7801 Mission Center Court
Suite 330 San Diego, CA 92108

Telephone: (619) 291-1080
Fax: (619) 858-3075

Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m

Make an Appointment Call: (619) 291-1080 or [email protected]